Specifications for Firm-Fill® Gypsum Concrete Underlayments
Specifications for Firm-Fill® SCM Sound Control Mats
Code Approvals
Technical Bulletins
Hacker Industries, Inc. releases Technical Bulletins related to the use or installation of our products. Click on the links below to download these Technical Bulletins in PDF format:
Gypsum Concrete vs Lightweight Concrete
Installing Custom Building Products RedGard® over Hacker Floor Underlayments
Installing Firm-Fill® 4010+ Over Wood Substrate
Installing Hacker Sound Mat I (QTscu) over Hacker Floor Underlayments (FIRM-FILL® and Gyp-Span®)
Installing SCM-125 Over Parallel Cord Truss
Installing SCM-125 Over Wood Joist
Installing SCM-250 Over Parallel Cord Truss
Installing SCM-250 Over Wood Joist
Installing SCM-400 Over Parallel Cord Truss
Installing SCM-400 Over Wood Joist
Installing SCM Sound Control Mats
Perimeter Isolation Detail_2018
Repairing Damaged Concrete Underlayments